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Usage from PowerShell


If you installed PowerShell Core as a dotnet global tool you will have issues.

You can check by running dotnet tool list --global. If so, uninstall and use any another installation method such as: winget install Microsoft.PowerShell / choco install pwsh / Download from GitHub / Microsoft Store

When the current shell is PowerShell, gsudo can be used in the following ways:

  • Call gsudo to start an elevated PowerShell session.

  • To elevate a command, any of the following syntaxes:

    1. gsudo { ScriptBlock } => Best performance.
    2. Invoke-gsudo function wrapper with PowerShell native syntax.
    3. gsudo 'string command' => Old, legacy syntax.
  • You can add gsudo PowerShell Module to your $PROFILE

    • This allows tab-key auto-completition. For example, write 'gsudothenspaceand thentab` and your last executed command will be suggested.
    • Also enables to use gsudo !! to elevate last command.
  • In a pipeline of commands, gsudo only elevates one command.

    command1 | gsudo elevatedCommand2 | command3

    Or you can elevate the whole pipeline if you put it inside a script block as in: gsudo {command1 | command2 | command3}

  • gsudo uses PowerShell's built-in serialization, which can be really slow with big object graphs, like all the machine process tree returned by Get-Process.

Using gsudo {ScriptBlock} syntax

# Syntax:
gsudo [-nwskd] [--loadProfile]
[-u|--user {username}] [--integrity {i}] [--ti]
{ ScriptBlock } [-args $argument1[..., $argumentN]] ;
  • Express the command to elevate as a PowerShell ScriptBlock, between {braces}. PowerShell will parse it and auto-complete commands.

  • The ScriptBlock can use literals, but can't access parent or global scope variables (remember it runs in another process). To parametrize the script, you can pass values with -args parameter and access them via $args array. If you find this painfull, try Invoke-gsudo.

  • If the result is not captured in a variable, you get best performance, as all serialization is avoided (the output is print in the console).

    gsudo { Get-Process "chrome" }
    gsudo { Get-Process $args } -args "chrome"
    gsudo { echo $args[0] $args[1] } -args "Hello", "World"
  • If the result is captured, serialization is slower but automatic & transparent (you receive PSObjects).

    $services = gsudo { Get-Service 'WSearch', 'Winmgmt'} 
    Write-Output $services.DisplayName
  • Pipeline input:

    • Must be explicitly mapped with $input
    • If marshaling doesn't work as intended, try Invoke-gsudo
    get-process winword | gsudo { $input | Stop-Process }


$file='C:\My Secret.txt'; 

$hash = gsudo {(Get-FileHash $args[0] -Algorithm $args[1]).Hash} -args $file, $algorithm

Using Invoke-gsudo function:

# Syntax:
Invoke-Gsudo [-ScriptBlock] <ScriptBlock>
[[-ArgumentList] <Object[]>]
[-InputObject <PSObject>]
[-LoadProfile | -NoProfile <# default #>]
[-Credential <PSCredential>]

# Example:
$MyString = "Hello World"
Invoke-Gsudo { Write-Output $using:MyString }

Invoke-gsudo is a wrapper function of gsudo with the following characteristics:

  • Native PowerShell function syntax.

  • Automatic serialization of inputs, outputs and pipeline objects. The results are serialized and returned (as a PSObject or PSObject[]). The serialization is mandatory so this can be slower than gsudo {ScriptBlock} syntax.

  • The command can't access parent or global scope variables. To parametrize the script, you can:

    • 🚀 Mention your $variable as $using:variableName and its serialized value will be applied.
    • Pass values with -args parameter and access them via $args array.
  • Your current context is better preserved and forwarded to the elevated process:

    • Current Location for non-FileSystem providers.
    • $ErrorActionPreference.
  • If your command requires accessing a function on your $PROFILE add the -LoadProfile parameter. See More.

  • Add -Credential to specify a user & password to run.


# Accepts pipeline input.
Get-process SpoolSv | Invoke-gsudo { Stop-Process -Force }

# Variable usage
$folder = "C:\ProtectedFolder"
Invoke-gsudo { Remove-Item $using:folder }

# The result is serialized (PSObject) with properties.
(Invoke-gsudo { Get-ChildItem $using:folder }).LastWriteTime

Using gsudo 'command' syntax

  • This is the old syntax. Is still supported but not recommended.
  • Prepend gsudo, your command must be surrounded by quotes if it contains in of '"
  • Express the command to elevate as a string literal (between 'quotes'). (And properly escaping your quotes, if needed).
  • Outputs are strings, not PSObjects.
  • The command can use literals, but can't access parent or global scope variables. To parametrize the script, you can use string substitution:
$file='C:\My Secret.txt'; 

$hash = gsudo "(Get-FileHash '$file' -Algorithm $algorithm).Hash"

Test elevation success

# Test gsudo success (optional)
if ($LastExitCode -eq 999 ) {
'gsudo failed to elevate!'
} elseif ($LastExitCode) {
'Command failed!'
} else { 'Success!' }

Elevate CMD Commands

Use gsudo -d {command} to tell gsudo that your command does not requires a new instance of PowerShell to interpret it.

gsudo -d dir C:\ 

gsudo PowerShell Module

For an enhanced experience, import gsudoModule.psd1. This is optional and enables gsudo !!, and param auto-complete for Invoke-Gsudo command.

Add the following line to your $PROFILE (replace with full path)

Import-Module 'gsudoModule.psd1'

# Or let the following line do it for you run:
Write-Output "`nImport-Module `"gsudoModule`"" | Add-Content $PROFILE
  • You can create a custom alias for gsudo or Invoke-gsudo by adding one of these lines to your $PROFILE:
    • Set-Alias 'sudo' 'gsudo'
    • Set-Alias 'sudo' 'Invoke-gsudo'

Loading your PS Profile on command elevations

When elevating commands, elevation is called with the -NoProfile argument. This means the elevated instance won't load your $PROFILE. If your command requires your PowerShell profile loaded you can:

  • Per command, when using gsudo, infix --loadProfile:

    PS C:\> gsudo --loadProfile { echo (1+1) }
  • Per command, when using Invoke-gsudo, add -LoadProfile:

    PS C:\> Invoke-Gsudo { echo (1+1) } -LoadProfile
  • Set as a permanent setting with: gsudo config PowerShellLoadProfile true